Catch the lepidopterans

Game made by Phyliawm/Arthur.

1. The Game History

This is a simple game that iv made while i was bored on gym class. My school has an outside area, where there is an huge empty space with only plants and some other releated wastes like sticks and leaves, there is an sports field as well, and an lake area were there benchs are located. So i was bored in gym class because i usually dont fit in there, so i was in the empty fiel. The field is very peacuful and has many flowers so there are an bunch of butterflyies and all kinds of insects flying around the plants, so to just dont waste my time looking at the flowers i thought about a fun game that i could play alone, where when i catch Moths or butteflyies i get points.

2. The Rules

The game needs an field that is full of plants and flowers, the field needs to have at least moths of butterflys but its usually recommended to have both for variation matter. The game needs at least 1 to 8 players to be played, but i firstly intended it for just an single player.

3. The GUI

The GUI has the score and the variation of Lepidopterans that you have on your field (you build it with time), it helps to keep track, on my playthrough, its really great to let it on a high to medium opacity level (70%), to dont interfere on the vision but at the same be able to look at it with no effort

4. How to play it

First you will need to have an safe spot where you gonna to rest and deploy your Moths and Butterflies to gain points, it needs to be at least 3 meters away from the field. After that you need to analyze the field to see what colors are the rarest and what colors are the least rare, if there are many Butterflies and Moths that are yellow, then the yellow color will value less points than the others, if there are only 7 brown butterflies and moths they will have a higher point value. after that the game is pretty straight foward, you carefully (Try to dont hurt them) catch the insects and free them on your safe spot, and each insect you collect you gain points.
